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Whole Grain Whole Wheat Bread – Two Loaves
This is essentially the same recipe as a previous post for one loaf of whole grain whole wheat bread except that the amounts of the ingredients have been adjusted for two loaves instead of one. There is another difference in that the recipe for one loaf is for a 9 x 5 inch loaf pan and this recipe uses two 8 1/2 x 4 1/2 inch pans. The pans are slightly smaller so the recipe is not double the amounts of the recipe for one loaf. This recipe has been adjusted to be in proportion to the smaller pans.
You might prefer baking two loaves at a time instead of one loaf because it takes just about the same amount of time and effort as it does for one loaf and baking two loaves doesn’t require any additional yeast. You use the same amount of yeast for two loaves as you do for one loaf.
Pesticides Cause Obesity and Cancer
Pesticides are used by the U.S. food industry on crops to kill insects. Conventional growers use pesticides, but organic food producers do not use them. Exposure to foods grown with the use of pesticides has been linked to many health problems. Pesticides are harmful. It is much safer to buy organically grown food than conventionally grown food.
Pesticides are toxic chemicals and can lead to obesity and otherwise seriously damage your health. Although the government plays a role in protecting its citizens from pesticide exposure, it is no guarantee for our safety. People must still remain vigilant in how we select and prepare our food. ... Read More
Avoid Genetically Modified Foods
In December, 2010 Dr. Mehmet Oz did a segment on the Dr. Oz Show about genetically modified foods. The subject of GMO foods or “Genetically Modified Organisms” is an important topic for the everyday person to understand because GMO ingredients are used in most processed foods.
Much of the corn, soy and canola grown in the United States is genetically modified. These three crops are used in many derivative ingredients such as HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) a sweetener found in “processed foods and beverages, including breads, cereals, breakfast bars, lunch meats, yogurts, soups and condiments” (source: Wikipedia). Ingredients made from the soybean is also widely used – soy oil, textured vegetable protein, animal feed, etc. Canola oil is a major ingredient in the food industry. ... Read More
Whole Grain Whole Wheat Bread – One Loaf
There’s nothing like fresh home made bread and it is not as difficult to make as you might think. When you make your own bread you can select the best, most wholesome ingredients. I like to use organic stone ground 100% whole grain whole wheat flour. Make sure to buy whole grain whole wheat flour because you will be assured that the whole grain will be included and nothing will be discarded in the milling process. Nowadays, when you buy “whole wheat” flour, the milling company will throw away the bran and the outer parts of the grain. Insist on 100% whole grain.
You can buy yeast in individual packets at your local supermarket but I find that it is expensive (about a buck and a half per packet – ouch!). I was able to buy a 2 lb bag of Red Star Active Dry Yeast for $3.89 from our local Costco store. Each packet is about 2 tsp of yeast so when you buy yeast in bulk you use 2 tsp when the recipe calls for 1 packet. ... Read More
Non Dairy Almond Milk
It is easier than one would think to make non dairy almond milk. All you need is some raw almonds, water, vanilla extract and raw honey or blue agave nectar as a sweetener. There can be many reasons why you would want to use a non-dairy milk instead of cow’s milk. You can use it in cooking recipes, cereal, blended drinks, etc.
Start by soaking some raw almonds in water overnight (between 8 to 12 hours). The next day, rinse the soaked nuts and add them to a blender along with 4 cups of water, sweetener and a little vanilla extract. Simply blend it and strain it.
If you make a lot of nut milk, you can buy a nut milk bag. You can obtain one online from many sources at a reasonable cost. It will make the straining step a lot easier and you can reuse the bag over and over.
- 1 lb raw almonds
- 4 cups water
- 1/4 cup sweetener (raw honey or blue agave nectar)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
Soak one lb of nuts in water in a 2 qt. mason jar overnight (8-12 hours). The next day, rinse the nuts and add the soaked nuts, with 4 cups of water, vanilla extract and sweetener to a blender. Blend until smooth – not too long – only as long as you can hear it it rattling in the blender. Strain through cheesecloth or a nut milk bag and refrigerate.
Shown below is a photo of all the ingredients: left to right – sweetener, vanilla extract, raw almonds and an empty mason jar.
Start by soaking the nuts overnight (between 8 and 12 hours).
Rinse the nuts and add them to a blender with four cups of water, sweetener and vanilla extract. Blend until smooth. Note: don’t overdo it. If you use a nut milk bag, if it is blended too finely it can clog the mesh.
I’m going to strain it with cheesecloth, here. I am using a basket-style coffee maker funnel…
Place the cheesecloth over the coffee maker funnel.
Strain the blended mixture through the cheesecloth.
Squeeze it all out and you’re done.
Perfect substitute for cow’s milk when a non-dairy milk is desired.
Homemade Tikka Masala Sauce
Tikka masala is a mild curry sauce that you can use for simmering meat like chicken or turkey. Making chicken or turkey tikka masala is easy and convenient when you buy the tikka masala simmer sauce in a jar, because all you have to do is sear the meat, then add the simmer sauce and cook for about 7 or 8 minutes.
Tikka masala sauce in a jar usually contains heavy cream. With this recipe you can make your own homemade sauce and you can still use heavy cream or plain yogurt as a substitute. You can also use a cooking fat like butter or coconut oil to properly sauté the onions and to get the right flavor of the curry. ... Read More
Wakame Salad
This is a quick and easy recipe for wakame salad that is very healthy. You will need some dried wakame flakes, raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the “Mother” and raw honey – all available from a health food store. Two brands of apple cider vinegar I have tried are Braggs and Solana Gold. Raw honey is available in many brands. I was able to buy all the ingredients from Whole Foods Market here in Southern California.
It takes about 30 minutes to make wakame salad. Start by placing the contents of a 30-gram packet of dried wakame flakes in a bowl. Add water to rehydrate the wakame and then set aside. Next, slice a cucumber and spread the slices on a cutting board and salt them. Allow the salted cucumber slices to set for 20 minutes. Mix the honey and the apple cider vinegar in a small bowl. Stir to completely dissolve the honey. ... Read More
Vegetable Curry With Chicken
This is a basic vegetable curry recipe with chicken. The basic curry requires a little bit of vegetable oil for cooking, some chopped garlic, whole cumin seeds, red onions, tomatoes, mild green peppers, chopped ginger plus some turmeric root powder and some coriander powder. This is the basis for most any vegetable curry and takes about 6 to 8 minutes to cook thus far. Into this mixture you will add some vegetables. In this case I chose to add cauliflower, broccoli and yams. The vegetables require softening so they need to be cooked for about 25 to 30 minutes. Then I add some chicken cut into small pieces. Cook for another 5 minutes (don’t cook the chicken too much … you don’t want dry, hard chicken).
The basic idea for making curry is to have the ingredients all chopped up and prepared ahead of time. Start by sautéing chopped garlic in oil and gradually add each ingredient one after the other in a certain order, cooking each ingredient a little at a time. After sautéing the chopped garlic for a couple of minutes then you will add the whole cumin seeds. Cook them until the seeds are dark and the garlic is a very light tan color. Next, add the onions and cook them … you don’t want them brown., Next, add the tomatoes … this will slow it down because tomatoes will contain some water. The last ingredient before adding the vegetables is the chopped ginger. You don’t want to cook it too long and cook away the flavor … then you add the vegetables. You will probably need to add a little water for the vegetables. ... Read More
Mediterranean Salad Dressing
You can make your own homemade salad dressing very easily in about 5-10 minutes with this healthy recipe. The main advantage is that you can control the ingredients – you know what’s going into it.
The main ingredients of this salad dressing are olive oil and red wine vinegar. These are typical ingredients found in Mediterranean foods so I call it “Mediterranean Salad Dressing.” It also has a spicy flavor because it has curry powder, pepper and Dijon mustard. Place it in the refrigerator after mixing and shake it up real good before using it. ... Read More
Herb Roasted Chicken
Ahhh, tasty herb roasted chicken with crisp skin! You can cook this yourself with some basic ingredients in about an hour and a half. Buy a whole chicken – preferably pasture raised (as organic as possible … not corn fed and not fattened up with hormones and antibiotics). I try to buy chicken that doesn’t contain any hormones or antibiotics, but it can be tricky getting the correct information.
Currently, there are some chickens being peddled as “Free Range” which are pretty much meaningless. The term, “Free Range”, does not mean it was not fed with corn laced with chemicals, and the terms “no added hormones or antibiotics” doesn’t mean that the growers didn’t add the chemicals into the food, so caveat emptor, “Let the buyer beware.” ... Read More